Anna Cazares

About Me

imageI am a native of Austin Texas who loves the outdoors, enjoys meeting new people and living in harmony with nature.  Often I am on Lady Bird Lake hike & bike trail for exercise. I live a wholistic lifestyle, preserving what natural resources I can.  I believe that diet is essential for our well being and happiness is key to our health. 

Helping people to heal and stay healthy has always been my passion.  I became a registered nurse in 1984 graduating from Texas Woman's University and in 2007 I became a licensed acupuncturist graduating from The Acadamy of Oriental Medicine.  I am a strong advocate for an integrative health system because I beleive it offers the most essential components for the healing process. 

My expertise is in pain and in cancer symptom support management. ( I have been working in oncology for over 15 years as a certified oncology nurse).  In my practise I also treat allergies, muscular/skeletal  pain, stress, and women's issues.